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Showing posts from August, 2020

France, Spain & Andorra: July 2020 (Part 3)

Welcome to the third and final part of our lovely trip. I will be taking you to Andorra and a last-minute planned stop in France in this post.  Day 10: Let's go to Andorra! Just before we left Spain for Andorra we went to a place where they feed vultures. There were hundreds of them flying above us. We had booked this little excursion in the Eco Museum of the Pyrenean Fauna. This museum is located next to the castle in the old village of Aínsa. We didn't have enough time to visit it, but it is worth a try if you're there and you have some spare time.  The guide who took us to the vultures gave us lots of information about the different species in the Pyrenees. The most common one is the griffon vulture, which you can see about twenty times on the picture below. A more rare sighting is the bearded vulture, also known as the quebrantahuesos ("bone breaker"). We were lucky to see one of these flying in between the others. Places to visit: The Eco Museum of the Pyrene...

France, Spain & Andorra: July 2020 (Part 2)

This is part 2 of our beautiful trip to France, Spain and Andorra. In this part I will be talking about our week in Spain. We had a week full of activities planned, so it was going to be an awesome week. Day 5: Canyoning Our first activity was canyoning. I had never done this before, but it was AMAZING. I love adventure and would recommend this activity to everyone who likes a little challenge. There were jumps, slides and beautiful views. We went canyoning with a company called Aventura Entremontes. The best thing about adventures with this company is that they organise them in small groups. In the canyon (Canyon Añisclo) we would come across other companies with more than twenty tourists, while we were just a group of three and a guide. Besides canyoning, they also organise rafting, climbing, hiking and so much more. The picture below is a screenshot from a GoPro video I made, check it out on Instagram!  Also important: The company does everything to keep you safe. For examp...

France, Spain & Andorra: July 2020 (Part 1)

Welcome to my first post! I'll be taking you on a trip through France today. I hope you enjoy reading this post! In the beginning of 2020 we were talking about our summer holiday. Where would we go this year? After some discussion we decided on America. We would be discovering the east coast for about 3 weeks. Little did we know that in March our whole country would go in lockdown. And that because of a Chinese man who ate a stressed bat? (That's one of the many theories, right?) Well, a long mental breakdown later (in April or May) we were looking at some other trips closer to home. We really wanted to go somewhere in the summer, because our annual trip to Lanzarote in April had also been cancelled. A bit later we found the perfect trip: an adventurous holiday in a small village in the Pyrenees. We started planning how we would get there. By plane was not an option obviously. We decided to go by car, so we could also make some stops in France. With a Tesla you have to plan you...